Well first off I was pretty sick this past week as you know so we really didn't do a whole lot. For most of the week I was trying to still do work but I couldn't focus on anybody or their needs because my head was hurting too bad from the massive headache I had. On Wednesday though we literally did nothing which helped me out a lot and for the rest of the week we were able to do some good work.
Thanks for all the support from home. Your letters and packages have been great. I just got another package from you today but I haven't opened it yet. I got Grandpa's letter and Wand as well and that was great, his letter was awesome. It's the first one I've ever gotten from him, all the other ones were from Grandma writing for both of them.
I'm glad to hear that about Brigham, he's a good guy and I've seen a lot of change in him and in his letters. Keep me posted on his call.
We met with Steve again and he's doing better. He's finished his treatments and hopefully he'll start to make a full recovery. Our next step with him is to help him get the Aaronic Priesthood which he's looking forward to and is preparing himself for. He's been reading a lot and we were talking to the Stake President about it when we were at his house and he went and got this book series by Bruce R. Mckonkie called The Messiah. It's 6 books in total so it should keep Steve busy for awhile.
We also had our first Zone Conference with President Miller this week and that was wonderful! He had a lot of great ideas about how to help the mission improve but of course every ward has it's own unique challenges that have to be overcome before the ideal model can be implemented. We asked our ward mission leader if there had ever been a ward mission plan and he said the plan was to baptize and retain converts. Now it's not the most specific plan I've ever heard and hopefully we'll be able to build on it but at least we have a start. Our next move is to get the Bishop involved more. He has the keys to the area and if we are following his direction than we have the whole support of the ward, which is important.
One positive that has come from the High Priest Group. The HP group leader asked us how hard would it be to set up a weekly night to go on splits with the missionaries. We told him it would be easy and he asked us if Thursday nights would work well and we said yes so he told us to block that night off for dinners because we were going to be out with the High Priests. It sounds good to me. The best part was when he said "I don't care if all you do is ride around in a car, I want my men going out with the missionaries" of course we're going to do a lot more than that but it shows how committed he is to getting this started.
The Gospel is simple but no one ever said it was easy.
Elder Trevon Turley